Saturday 18 June 2011

My cousin Jackson!

He was charming,lovable,super active..tall dark and handsome.. my cousin.. 3 days elder to me..(he was always proud of it).. who was always there for me.. to know my life and to guide me..God knows how he knew my all crush's, boy friend's name and details  right from my college days(which used to scare me sometimes).. no idea how he used to read my mind.. tell his secrets too.. such a guy he was.. very simple and down to earth.. we used to call whenever needed..for timepass... and he had called me a week before to remind me of my engagement.. number of day's left.. he mentioned that he has taken a weeks leave to attend my day on Nov 7th 2010.. so how could i believe when my dad called at 10am on oct 19th 2010 to say 'Jackson is NO MORE'... i still feel he is hiding somewhere just to play a prank with us.. i miss u Jackson..cant control my tears when i think of u.. how dare u leave us so suddenly.. no good bye .. nothing.. just left us empty.. u promised to give me all my pending gifts of Raksha bandhan.. take test of my fiance to see if he is good for me.. when will u do all this..where are u Jackson.. come back...

Saturday 4 June 2011

Smile on my face :)

When my fiance spoke his intension of marrying me to his dad 2years back, his dad asked him ‘whats ur bank balance as u look very eager to marry?’. He replied to his dad’s sudden question ‘may be 5000 rupees’. And then, his dad said 'are u sure its 5000 and not 500?' and removed his son's bank statement which read less than 500 rupees :) and that statement had entries like KFC, Dominos,McDonalds,HP store,KFC KFC,Empire’s etc .. Thinking of his embarrassed face brings smile on my face each time.. :)